Proposal Preparation and Submission FAQs
SRA联系. However you are comfortable: e-mail, 电话, and stop by our office in the Fenster all Building (3rd Floor); just be in contact.
最好的选择是发送电子邮件给研究主任/项目经理,并抄送到 srard@申博太阳城.edu . 我们建议您使用分配给您学院的主任/研究经理,而不是给特定的工作人员发电子邮件. 这将使我们能够在必要时,在工作人员不方便时提供保险. 话虽如此, SRA也很乐意接听您的电话,并鼓励您打电话给您的代表,如果这是您首选的沟通方式. A list of SRA contacts is located at our web site
Federal agencies distinguish between deadlines and target dates.
截止日期是绝对的,在截止日期之后收到的提案不被接受. For those competitions with target dates, 如果提案将延迟一两个星期,则无需通知项目主管.
If the delay will be significantly more, 请联系,以确保它仍然可以包括在未决的审查周期. For some NSF competitions, requests may be submitted at any time
Follow the Proposal Preparation Guide:
- Work with Department/College Representative and SRA early in the process
- Read the solicitation closely and address any special requirement
- Become familiar with agency-specific rules, e.g. 美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的工资上限和美国国家科学基金会(NSF) 2个月的努力限制.
- Prepare the necessary forms. 确保所有调查人员在提交之前提交了利益冲突披露
- 确认内部签字已获得SRA级别的批准
- If the proposal includes subcontracts, 确保您已收到每个分包商签署的分包方承诺书.
潜在的申请人应该联系相关的项目主任,并讨论他们的特定项目. For administrative reasons a proposal may be submitted to only one Program. However it can be jointly evaluated and funded by several. 这在考古学中是一种常见的做法,项目不会从裂缝中溜走. 经验表明,由多个项目进行的审查最好被视为获得支持的多个机会,而不是双重危险.
These include subcontracts, 合作奖励和单一机构的中央管理计划. 尽管需要仔细考虑哪种机制在特定情况下是最合适的, none are cumbersome and all are regularly employed.
Applicants should call the Program Director to discuss the details, advantages and disadvantages of each alternative.
根据我们的经验, having another person put your ideas into words is not effective, 没有那么成功, is totally transparent to the reviewer, 并且会导致混乱. You are the best person to express your ideas.
SRA致力于促进学术研究的奖励前程序. The following information will help you understand how SRA is structured
SRA可以帮助您正确理解征求建议书(RFP). 这可能包括留出很长一段时间和你坐在一起,正确地指导你满足不同的需求, gather information for you, format the proposal so that it looks good, 并以任何方式帮助您遵守整个提案包.
Time can be a very real constraint. Keep in mind that some proposals will need specific certifications that they are common; therefore they will require more time.
1个月 提前(尽可能早)向SRA发送申请意向的信息 srard@申博太阳城.edu
This should include the request for proposal identification number (NSF, NIH) or the grant proposal guidelines document. At minimum, a link to the documents should be provided.
2周 在截止日期之前,预算应最终确定,并应启动批准提案程序. 这包括由PI和系主任签名的部门批准和利益冲突表格, the detailed budget and justification, 提案标题, and preliminary specific aims (NIH), 建议摘要(NSF), or contract scope of work (SOW).
72小时 在提交之前,SRA将启动提案审查并检查提交错误. 为了实现这一点, 除提案叙述外,提案的所有部分都应完成并准备提交. 此时只需要提案的草稿作为错误检查的占位符.
24小时 prior to the deadline for on-time submission, the PI should release the final version of the proposal to the SRA office. (请参阅 研究 Proposal Submission Guidelines Recommendations.
It is strongly recommended that proposal budgets prioritize student support. 助学金和合同通常包括以下一个或多个项目的人事预算:支持博士生, 教师暑期工资, agency-supported academic-year release time, post-doctoral fellow support, 支持人员, masters and undergraduate student support.
Small or creative projects and/or consulting contracts, usually involving industry, state or private agency funding, will be treated differently.
寻求此类资金的教员应在最终确定此类计划之前向主席清楚地解释项目的范围及其资金来源,以获得他/她的批准. As with major/multi-year research projects, 拨款和合同批准程序也将涉及主席和院长.
参与这类项目的学生可以按照联邦勤工俭学指导方针按小时计酬. 这类项目的所有协议必须经过SRA办公室的审查和批准
如果拨款或合同的预算随预算变化而授予, 新的预算和理由必须在批准表格上重新提交给主席和院长审查和批准.
If the grant can no longer support the full student cost, the remaining portion will be cost shared by the Department Chair, 院长或SRA
如果公司或机构不允许我们与联邦政府协议中规定的间接成本, 他们必须提供公司政策规定的间接成本限制的书面文件.
For grants and contracts that restrict indirect costs, the remaining needed cost will be shared by SRA.
When an agency requires a match to the proposed budget, 提案的PI将与SRA联系,讨论纳入适当的匹配以满足提议的工作范围. 所有关于匹配的协议必须在部门批准表格上传达给系主任和院长办公室.